Biden’s transition complacency is worrying.

The fact Trump and Giuliani are utterly inept is the only thing saving the transfer of power.

Toby Lipatti-Mesme
2 min readNov 21, 2020

Joe Biden’s political instincts were never cut out for the shitshow of 2020 politics, and this becomes clearer and clearer. The intrinsic belief in the good nature and nobility of Republicans, and the refusal to take any action against a blatant power grab by the Trump-Giuliani legal team.

If Donald Trump was smart as a whip and more effective at being a demagogue, he’d run away with this coup. The fact we’re seeing the possibility of electors being selected against the will of the people shows just how antidemocratic the American political system is; this is a country where people talk about “majority tyranny” and “being a republic not a democracy”.

Biden is sitting on his hands and refusing to take any confrontational action, all while attempting to befriend members of a party that’s descended into some sort of Christian fundamentalist equivalent of Jihadism. A party that’s indulging in the conspiratorial belief the Democrats drink the blood of children and that Jewish oligarchs fund BLM protests.

Biden isn’t dealing with a normal opposition, and his failure to recognise that will be his downfall. If he was up against an effective power grab, that was organised and executed with precision, the election would be stolen and he’d probably congratulate the cheaters. The civility thing becomes pathetic when it’s up against people who want your total political obliteration.

Someone needs to have a chat with Joe and try to imprint on him that this isn’t the 1970s, these people aren’t your friends, and this is political warfare. Kill or be killed; one side won’t play ball no matter what therefore don’t waste your time on it. Of course it’s desperately sad we can’t have a functioning party system but until the GOP implodes it is what it is.

A key problem that has to be addressed is Biden surrounding himself with those he’s known for years, agrees with, and is comfortable with. He needs to bring in those who challenge his perspective, are younger, more dynamic and progressive, and will talk straight about the dangers of capitulation, toxic compromise, or indeed civility in the face of oligarchy.

Biden’s transition complacency isn’t going to cost him the Presidency because the opposition are so disorganised and transparently stupid they aren’t capable of mobilising the worst instincts of the GOP into a true constitutional coup.

Next time, we won’t be so lucky, and if we have a Joe Biden in place, someone who won’t put up a fight and will roll over for the GOP, we’ll see democracy slip away. This was an overlooked blunder when picking the Democratic nominee; Biden isn’t going to fight the GOP.



Toby Lipatti-Mesme

Insightful and innovative UK journalism and commentary, from Toby Lipatti-Mesme.