Liberal hypocrisy over kids in cages shows they never really cared.
Liberals not only don’t have the answers to the big challenges of the 21st century; they’re an active impediment to progress as much as conservatives are.
It was all so simple, we had to “vote Trump out because he’s a fascist” and “he puts kids in cages”, and of course “you can hold Biden to account once he’s in office, and we’ll do it with you”. Radical calls of Black Lives Matter for an overhaul of criminal justice and how the state interacts with its citizens have ended with “look, black war criminals and bankers as well as white war criminals and bankers, all upholding the same system”. Liberalism’s answers to racial inequity, systemic inequality, and need of diversity, are so inadequate they become a laughing stock.
During the 2020 Democratic primary season, supporters of Biden professed again and again that they “really are progressives” and are just making a compromise in order to tackle the injustices such as Trump’s border policy, or cruel militaristic foreign policy, by getting the blue team elected (with assurances said blue team was really serious this time about tackling these things they’ve enabled for decades). Liberals told us they really cared about black Americans, about children in Yemen, about the kids in cages; and that the Bernie Or Bust people were showing they didn’t, by their steadfast commitment to the only candidate who had a fraction of a chance of holding to his convictions once in that hideous, murderous office of the Presidency.
Well, I take no pleasure in saying it, but as we always warned, there was a cost to supporting Joe Biden, and that cost is nothing fundamentally changing. The left has been here calling out the systemic injustices and brutal excesses of the American system long before Trump, and right through the Biden era we’ll do the same. Liberals, however, will be off back to brunch, showing the lack of compassion or conviction that always lurked underneath their vacuous and tired fossil of an ideology. At least the far right has its own (frightening and draconian) programme and set of ideas it holds to and works to implement; liberalism has gone to the gun fight with a kitchen fork, and ends up hiding behind the far right as it cloppers the progressive left.
I’ve said this before, and I’ll never stop saying it: liberals should admit they never cared about any of the stuff they said they did. They cared when Donald Trump was doing it, because his vulgarity offended their elitist sensibilities and they prefer their state murderers and domestic terror exporters to have a sexy voice and a suave suit (Obama). Kids in cages were just another stick to beat the opposition with, until they look power, and kids in cages became migrant facilities, and everything was fine because Daddy Biden (the same one who was mates with segregationists, chummy with racist Israeli leader Netanyahu and used his office to enrich his son to the tune of millions) was in charge now.
We all know the GOP is quite literally a threat to human civilisation’s continued existence, with its denial of the science of climate change excluding it in my books from ever being acknowledged as a serious opposition party and more a fundamentalist doomsday religious sect, or a party of domestic terrorists that no one with a shred of humanity should legitimise or cooperate with. But what good is that, if we refuse to change anything, and just want the party that’s a fraction, a tiny tiny amount superior in one way or another? What’s the bloody point? If we won’t change the things they do, we might as well let them govern in perpetuity. There is no moderation or compromise when the planet is burning and people are dying, and if you think there is, you aren’t living in the real world. The left are the real opponents of the GOP, the centre are their best buddies (see Nancy Pelosi’s comments on the NEED for a strong Republican party).
Liberals took the full trifecta of power this year, with no political ideas beyond Orange Man Bad, and now they instinctively resort to upholding the status quo, with a litany of broken promises lying around, which they didn’t even strain a muscle trying to keep (don’t let them say otherwise, if they truly wanted to, they could push a whole lot of things over the line). These aren’t people who should be running the most powerful nation in the world; if the own goals of the Obama admin show us anything it’s that they couldn’t organise a piss up in a brewery, if you paid them fifty paired down and means tested stimulus checks.
It is a moral disgrace that Joe Biden is reopening facilities that Trump had open, and continuing the same “kids in cages” practice that was started under Obama, and merely stepped up under Donald Trump. Nit picking is irrelevant, when you really look at this with the bias taken away, it’s broadly the same as under Trump, and if it was under Trump the usual suspects would be clutching their pearls and rightfully identifying it as a human rights violation rather than jumping to its defence. It’s horrendous to watch the same people who made this a 2020 campaign issue (so, so rightfully), who are now at the White House podium thanks to young Latino votes, and defending the practice, promising it’s different for one reason or another.
Stop defending these migrant facilities. If you’re defending them right now, pushing back against the left on behalf of the Biden administration and saying keeping kids under aluminium blankets in detainment facilities is “grown up politics”, you are absolute scum. Sorry, but you just are, you have no convictions, and you are anything but “grown up”. So many have shown themselves yet again to be unprincipled party political charlatans, not people serious about tackling the challenges we need to tackle, or reshaping the nature of the state in the interests of the working class.
Liberals aren’t our allies here, any more than Trump supporters were. Pick a side, and fight this fight, because the fight for justice involves not only crushing the GOP, but smashing the Democratic party and building something superior, from the grassroots on up.