People aren’t listening to Trump anymore

The President shouts so much emotive garbage every day, at this point he could be telling the truth and no one would listen.

Toby Lipatti-Mesme
2 min readOct 28, 2020

If you like The Boy Who Cried Wolf, you’ll love The Populist Who Cried Corruption. Donald Trump’s rise was punctuated by chants of “lock her up” and “drain the swamp” and a wave of anti-Washington sentiment (rightfully placed but wrongfully expressed). He’s spent his time in office accusing everyone who doesn’t support him of being a corrupt ogre beholden to sinister forces; fuelling conspiratorial and dangerous movements like QANON to new heights. Thing is: at this point, even when Trump is calling out genuine corruption, two things are the case. 1. His corruption in the type of activity he highlights is on par or worse, and 2. No one believes him anymore because he spews bullshit far too much.

In short: America has had enough of Trump’s BS. They still despise “the swamp”, but Trump has shown himself as a swamp creature himself. He has his 40% of die hard support locked down, but he isn’t going to poach wavering anti-establishment voters anymore; the scales have fallen from their eyes and they see what we know to be the case: a lying fraud, the worst of the swamp he swore to destroy.

Trump can holler about Hunter Biden, about China, about the Democrats, about socialism, or about ANTIFA, but a solid majority of Americans just aren’t listening anymore, and certainly aren’t buying what he’s selling. This is where the cocky populist falters; save a miracle or huge tumultuous earth-shattering scandal, Trump is heading to an electoral cliff edge, and he’s about to loose the Presidency. Let’s keep it that way for 7 more days, a mere week, and we can be rid of him.



Toby Lipatti-Mesme
Toby Lipatti-Mesme

Written by Toby Lipatti-Mesme

Insightful and innovative UK journalism and commentary, from Toby Lipatti-Mesme.

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