The police are violent liars.

Toby Lipatti-Mesme
5 min readMar 29, 2021

The last week or so has exposed the police for the lying, shameless, thuggish state actors they’ll always be.

We’ve seen throughout the country over the past few days an aggressive crackdown on freedom of speech, and freedom of assembly, from a thuggish police force egged on by an authoritarian government drunk on wielding of state power and state violence against those that peacefully dissent. I never again want to hear us critique other nations on these issues; we have zero leg to stand on.

The mobilisations we’ve seen happen have been safe, they’ve been outside, and they’ve been overwhelmingly peaceful. They’ve all been in response to a policing bill that legislates to curb freedom of assembly and dissent from the government line on public, and a bill that launches a prolonged attack on the rights of Traveller communities in this country in a quite horrendous way.

People aren’t going to take this bill lying down, and people aren’t ever going to take this crackdown being implemented without a fight. Britain may be a nation of bootlickers, but we have progressive forces that will continue to assemble and mobilise as long as the government pushes to criminalise noisy dissent; because if you can’t cause disruption, it shouldn’t be called a protest, the very essence of protest is to make those in power uncomfortable.

So to those making a fuss because we’re in lockdown, I say two things: first, we’ve seen it epidemiologically proven that outside protests are unlikely to spread the virus, and they don’t have a track record of doing any such thing, and secondly, importantly, if you don’t want people mobilising don’t use a global pandemic to effectively criminalise protest in UK law, handing yet more draconian powers to already power drug thugs (the police) with little to no accountability, to be utilised on a permanent basis at these knuckle head’s discretion.

Something no one seems willing to talk about, but something proven time and time again to be absolutely true is this: the police lie. We saw them own the narrative, pull the strings of influence they have within politics and the media, and get it reported during the riots in Bristol that police officers had broken bones and a punctured lung, this is then beamed everywhere across the media and you can imagine the effect it would have on turning public opinion against those protesting; and then quietly, a few days later, we find out these injuries were FABRICATED.
Not true, no real, didn’t happen, utter tosh.

How can these people get away with it, why is no one fact checking, and why is the entire UK media and political establishment being repeatedly taken for fool by cops? Journalists have collectively across the political divide failed to verify what these people have been saying and using their platforms as pro police propaganda, spreading outright lies. Meanwhile, the entire political spectrum has taken the side of the pigs with batons. This policing bill is a bill by and for the police, lobbied for over years by pro-police individuals, with the big police forces (especially the Met) peddling great influence over the political class.

Now we’ve cleared up how blatantly the police lie, and how skewed and one sided the media and elite reactions and portrayals of recent events have been, let’s address the critiques and pro-police defences head on, and debunk the misinformation as best we can.

Now the police are supposedly there to calm tensions and be the diplomatic adults in the room right? The sensible, calm, measured and proportionate individuals here to keep us safe and deescalate. Well, in Bristol last week, in a situation much like a powder keg, and one that could easily have simmered down, boiled over, egged on by excessive police presence and enforcement; this lit the match and lead to the scenes we saw; if the police actually did what they’re meant to, and didn’t act like thugs, I seriously doubt it would have turned the way it did; so many lies were spread we’ve been fed a totally warped chain of events.

Now at protests since we’ve seen hyper-peaceful acts, we’ve seen sitting on the floor, we’ve seen people gathered holding placards, and the police have used this to attack, and take out their vicious tempers. They’ve attacked, they’ve beaten, and they’ve acted like total thugs, all at peaceful protests by harmless individuals simply expressing discontent at the policing bill. The scenes are there to see on social media, and super hard to watch. This isn’t being portrayed in the media, and the reality of events that have transpired has (shamefully) been consistently kept from the public.

Public opinion is likely against the protests, and this is 100% because a very one sided view of events through a Law And Order framing has been portrayed across the media with few exceptions, and swallowed as gospel right across the political divide.

Indeed, when Nadia Whittome simply goddamn asked to wait until making conclusions, she was lampooned for not “condemning” violence, and now, when what she said about two sides and waiting for the truth has been vindicated, she’s still facing calls to resign or loose the whip for fuck’s sake; all for very slightly deviating from the recognised line.

Starmer and the centre-left have frighteningly swallowed the Law And Order framing, and accepted the government’s authoritarianism. They won’t speak up on reforming the COVID laws before renewing them, as opposed to giving Johnson a blank check for extra COVID powers that haven’t been needed or used whatsoever during this, won’t be needed going forward, and shouldn’t be in law a minute longer now we know that.
There’s been a deranged cheering on by certain Labour MPs of policing beating citizens, and Labour has put itself on the side of the thugs beating protestors as opposed to those standing up for democratic freedoms.

This is all indefensible and shameless, and anyone with progressive instincts should withhold their votes from any party or official that refuses to be proportionate and balanced her, and that swallows the one sided pill as basic issues of justice like this. I don’t expect Keir Starmer to cheer on riots, but I expect any Labour leader to raise concerns about excessive policing in a calm and coherent manner.

Let’s stop beating around the bush: the police are lying thugs, and they aren’t on our side.



Toby Lipatti-Mesme

Insightful and innovative UK journalism and commentary, from Toby Lipatti-Mesme.