Vaccine nationalism is a disgrace.

Let’s recommit to international cooperation and solidarity, not bragging and exceptionalism.

Toby Lipatti-Mesme
2 min readDec 4, 2020

What better on a cold December day than a nice steaming dose of British exceptionalism? Well, most things, but alas I digress.

The world worked together, and Gavin Williamson took the credit and called everyone else losers. With such lightweights as Mr Williamson in government it’s near impossible to imagine anything world beating happening; except of course world beating death tolls and world beating economic contractions and world beating cronyism and world beating scandals.

Yes kids, Britain leads the world in retail closures; Huzzah! We’re about to chuck our economy off a cliff for 0.2% of GDP and less employees than the retail giants that have closed; Rule Britannia!

This particular cabinet makes you long for the days of Theresa May in the Home Office bullying vulnerable migrants or harassing minorities, and makes you hark back to the days of the “moral leadership” of Tony Blair the war criminal bombing Muslim countries, or indeed the competent yet evil regime of Maggie Thatcher. This lot aren’t even capable of evil, they’re useless.

This direct quote from Williamson (the EDUCATION guy not the HEALTH guy) defies human comprehension: “Well I just reckon we’ve got the very best people in this country and we’ve obviously got the best medical regulator, much better than the French have, much better than the Belgians have, much better than the Americans have. That doesn’t surprise me at all because we’re a much better country than every single one of them.” Let that sink in for a minute or two. Beyond parody, and that’s nuff said.
Equally we have people like Matt Hancock crediting Brexit for the approval which is demonstrably false considering other EU nations could have done this if they so wished; it was done under EU law. That just smacks of desperation for a win above anything else.

We’ve had a diplomatic disaster and international humiliation out of what should have been a very happy moment where we thanked all involved for their work. Johnson’s Global Britain remains a laughing stock, rebuked by both Europe and the US, naturally.



Toby Lipatti-Mesme

Insightful and innovative UK journalism and commentary, from Toby Lipatti-Mesme.